The scoop about cat Poop


in some cases a headline just composes itself… but seriously, your cat’s feces can tell you a great deal about her health. and while it may not be the world’s many enjoyable topic to discuss, it is a part of sharing your life with cats. It’s crucial to understand what typical stools look and odor like, and what any deviations from typical may mean.

Healthy bowel habits

Even though bowel practices may vary slightly, a healthy cat will normally defecate when a day. typical stool will be well developed and easy to scoop. The size will depend upon the cat’s diet. Cats who eat a grain-free diet will have a lower volume of stools and stools will normally be less smelly than cats who are fed a diet with great deals of fillers. The reason for this difference is that nutrients in better high quality diets are better absorbed by the body. healthy stools are typically dark brown in color, although there will also be some variation depending upon the type of diet fed.

It is fascinating to note that cats who are fed a raw diet will have extremely little and hard stools that have practically no odor – a testament to how well the nutrient content of these diets is absorbed. Raw fed cats may only eliminate stool every other day. extremely dry, hard stools in cats who are not eating raw food may be an sign of constipation.


Diarrhea occurs when indigestible parts of food pass with the intestines as well fast, or when excess fluid is added to the stool by the big intestines. It can be the result of a dietary indiscretion, a change in diet, parasites, viruses, exposure to toxins, ingestion of a foreign body, or systemic health problem such as kidney or liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease and intestinal cancers.

It is unfortunately extremely common in cats, and is available in different degrees. Stool may be formed, but soft, or it may be shaped like a cow patty. Diarrhea may also be completely liquid and mixed with mucous. If a cat has one or two soft stools, but is otherwise alert and eating and drinking normally, diarrhea of 24-48 hours is many likely not going to be a problem. However, if your cat is lethargic, refuses to eat, and has several episodes of diarrhea a day, or if vomiting occurs at the exact same time, dehydration is a concern, and your cat will requirement veterinary attention.


Constipation occurs when feces are retained in the colon. Feces become hard and firm, and the longer they stay in the colon, the much more water is resorbed out of the colon. Constipated cats may strain while utilizing the litter box, and any stools they create may be extremely small, hard and dry. (As discussed above, little dry stools that are created without straining are typical for raw fed cats.) Constipation can be deadly if not treated.

Defecating outside the litter box

Diarrhea and constipation may both cause cats to defecate outside the litter box, but some healthy cats routinely pass stool outside the box. The first step is to take your cat to the veterinarian to guideline out medical issues. If the issue is behavioral, some detective work will be required so you can take the required steps to right and avoid the behavior.

Grossly abnormal stools

If your cat’s stool is black, pale white, grey, or green, your cat may need immediate veterinary care. Black stool typically indicates interior bleeding. Pale, white, grey or green stools may be signs of liver disease or intestinal bacterial infections.

Ingrid King

Table of Contents
Healthy bowel habits
Defecating outside the litter box
Grossly abnormal stools

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162 comments on The scoop about cat Poop

Insha says:

October 22, 2020 at 10:43 am

My cat is 10 weeks old, amd her stool is pale whit, although she is acting typically but her stool colour is white and she poop 2-3 times a day…. Is there any recommendations ??


Abigail says:

September 29, 2020 at 11:09 am

Our kitten is around 10 weeks old and has had diarrhoea because we got him, we put it down to change in food as we altered the brand of food he was on before we got him. We had him on dry food and the diarrhoea didn’t sluggish down and we discovered some small streaks of bright red blood in the stool for about 3/4 days so we’ve altered him to wet food as of yesterday and now his stool is a great deal less runny and no blood but is grey? His behaviour is great – he is as delighted as ever, so playful, sleeping well and eats/drinks typical amounts so there seems to be no effect to him emotionally. We have a vet appointment in 12 days but ought to I get an emergency appointment for this? extremely concerned about him ?


Ingrid says:

September 29, 2020 at 12:26 pm

I wouldn’t wait two weeksnullnull

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