Guess That Mutt (10 photos)
Can you guess the mixes of these 10 mutts? These dogs are all my pet dog walking clients or former clients. some of their breeds are known and some are unknown. Leave your best guesses
Can you guess the mixes of these 10 mutts? These dogs are all my pet dog walking clients or former clients. some of their breeds are known and some are unknown. Leave your best guesses
Did your dog turn out like you believed he would? It’s important to let dogs be who they are. My dog Remy is still young, and I’m not entirely sure who he is yet but
$9.99 with Sunday Mutts should have their own calendar, too! That’s why I produced the 2014 Mutt Calendar. The 2014 Mutt calendar is on sale now with Sunday. You can pre-order yours for $9.99 as well
My canine Remy as well as my feline Scout like the PupRug synthetic fur beds from They like these beds so much that they will really set aside their differences as well as curl
Note: “KL” is a volunteer with a rescue group, and one of her jobs is to process adoption applications. These are her suggestions on how to improve your canine adoption application. Processing canine adoption applications
Note: That Mutt as well as PetVi have partnered to bring you this post! Use code THATMUTT to save $2 per supplement at It’s discouraging when your pet dog is prone to continuous health
This article is about the myth of the Christmas puppy as well as why it’s important for shelters to boost adoptions over the holidays. If shelters as well as rescue groups decline to embrace out
Does breed matter when predicting a dog’s behavior? My pet dog is judged by his appearance. Ace is a big, drooly, black dog. When people see him, they normally see “Lab” as well as they normally
I have never given up a pet, and it is something I can’t think of doing. I would rather live in my automobile than give up my canine or cat due to financial trouble or
here is your feel-good video of the week. I know it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the dogs and cats in need of rescue or adoption. I can only watch so lots of pet