Dog toy possessiveness – teach the ‘drop’ command


exactly how to teach a dog the drop command

This publish is about exactly how to teach a dog the decrease command. For a general overview on exactly how to offer with a dog’s possessiveness, see my publish on exactly how to stop a dog’s aggression around food as well as toys.

There are several methods to teach a dog the command for “drop.” (As in, decrease whatever is in your mouth.)

Teaching a dog to decrease can prevent possessiveness, however it can likewise assist to stop a dog’s existing possessiveness. By possessiveness, I mean the dog is holding or guarding an product while not enabling a human (or one more dog) to take it away.

Preventing possessiveness

1. Take products away from your dog as well as reward.

If your puppy or dog will already enable you to take products from her mouth, that is great news!

You should motivate this great habits by continuing to take products from your pup, however make sure to instantaneously reward her. For example, take a sock from her mouth as well as instantaneously provide her a piece of chicken. Or, take her raw hide from her mouth as well as instantaneously provide the rawhide right back.

Your puppy learns, “OK, he takes things away. No huge deal.”

Practice this two or three times in a row at least when a day. keep all training to short, fun sessions.

2. add the command “drop.”

Since your puppy is already willing to provide up products in exchange for a reward, add a command.

Example: Your puppy has a tennis sphere in her mouth. You show her a piece of poultry as well as state “drop.” She drops the ball. You provide her the chicken.

Repeat this a few times – sufficient so it’s fun as well as your dog stays interested. stop before your dog starts to get tired or stressed.

Make sure to method this exercise at least a few times per week, preferably every day. work as much as the point where your dog will decrease toys on command 99 percent of the time in exchange for a reward. You want to work as much as the point where the dog’s response is automatic.

3. integrate play into the training.

By keeping the training fun as well as playful, you are eliminating any type of tension. tension can draw out a dog’s possessiveness, so don’t get upset or nervous.

Once your pup already understands the decrease command, it’s simple to integrate the command into games like fetch as well as tug. This will be an added difficulty to your pup since she will be in an energized specify of mind. When a dog is excited, it becomes more difficult for her to respond to commands.

During play, just provide the dog the decrease command as well as then instantaneously reward her like you normally would. Some dogs will have problem dropping a toy on command in the middle of a game of tug, so begin out by utilizing extremely valued treats  – hotdogs, hamburger, etc.

4. decrease the food rewards.

Once your dog will decrease a toy on command 99 percent of the time in exchange for food, then slowly stop providing a food reward every single time.

With all commands, you want to work as much as the point where the dog will obey 99 percent of the time with or without a treat.

So, when you are working on the decrease command as well as your dog is doing well, begin providing a treat every other time. as well as then less as well as less. substitute the food with a verbal “yes!” or “Good girl!”

5. add distractions/challenges.

Most of us make the error of moving on with training as well quickly. You truly want to work on the fundamentals so your dog will decrease a toy 99 percent of the time at house with very little distractions. Then, begin adding additional challenges.

For example, begin practicing the decrease command outside on the grass. method the command in every space of the house, on different floor surfaces. Make sure every household member methods the command with the dog. method the command with one more dog in the room. method with “ultimate” items. For example, if you bring house a raw meaty bone for your dog, ask her to decrease the bone as well as then instantaneously provide it right back.

What if my dog is already showing aggression?

If your dog has already started showing indications of aggression around food or toys, you can still utilize the above examples. It’s just going to take more time as well as patience. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with a regional fitness instructor for help.

If your dog is already showing possessiveness of food or toys, right here are some extra ideas:

1. prevent the products most likely to trigger the possessiveness.

Try to prevent the products that trigger your dog’s possessiveness for now.

For example, if she becomes aggressive when you try to take away a rawhide, then don’t provide her rawhides rather yet.

Instead, provide her less-valued products as well as trade her for something better. perhaps this means providing her a tennis sphere as well as then rewarding her with a piece of jerky when she drops the ball. perhaps it means she gets a piece of food for dropping a squeaky toy or a stick or a sock. begin with whatever seems simple for you as well as your dog.

2. prevent areas of the home that seem to trigger the possessiveness.

Some dogs are more likely to ended up being possessive in the kitchen area where food is prepared or near the food bowls. Some dogs ended up being more possessive near their kennels or dog beds. If this seems to be the situation with your dog, prevent those areas of the home for now. method in more neutral areas.

If your dog’s possessiveness is triggered by other dogs, then put away all the toys as well as food when other dogs are around.

3. Don’t concern about utilizing a command right away.

Don’t concern about utilizing an actual command rather yet. sometimes utilizing a command adds additional stress as well as tension to the training since the owner believes if he provides a command then he must enforce it. For now, just method providing your dog something remarkable in exchange for the tiring product she already has. Do this in short, fun sessions a number of times per day.

4. add the decrease command when your dog is already dropping the items.

Once your dog is already dropping tiring products in exchange for extremely valued treats, begin adding the decrease command. before you development to more difficult items, work as much as the point where dropping the tiring products on command is almost automatic for your dog.

As explained above, try to keep all sessions fun as well as playful. This takes away the tension as well as reduces the likelihood of triggering the dog’s possessiveness.

5. method many short sessions a number of times per day.

You will see development quicker if you work on the training every day. keep the sessions extremely short as well as fun, as well as set your dog up for success.

6. slowly boost the challenges/distractions.

When your dog is successful with easier challenges, begin increasing the bar a bit. begin working with your dog to decrease more difficult products – bones, rawhides, etc. begin practicing with other dogs around as well as in different areas of the house.

You want to set your dog up for success, so don’t difficulty her as well much. It’s okay if you make errors as well as expect as well much from your dog. then you understand you requirement to go back as well as work on the easier steps a huge more.

Have you taught your dog the decrease command?

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