PetMeds® Treating Chin Acne in Cats


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A very common skin condition often affecting the chin of cats is known as chin acne.  The presentation of this condition can vary widely from the appearance of blackheads on the chin which occasionally slough off and leave a black crust on the surface or along the chin, to larger boils that can discharge pus and/or blood. many of the time cats do not seem to be bothered by this common condition, which in numerous cases bothers the guardian much more than the pet.

The exact pathology of these eruptions is typically due to clogged hair follicles which become inflamed. I have found that on occasion using plastic dishes can worsen this condition, so plastic dishes ought to be avoided.  numerous cats don’t need to be treated if they are not bothered by the chin eruptions, while others in some cases will need topical antibacterial therapies such as topical benzoyl peroxide preparations and/or antibacterials like Bactoderm or Mupirocin. occasionally systemic oral antibiotics are needed, but because we don’t know the cause of this condition in many cases, the condition can recur in the future.

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