Dogs and babies – new Sights, sounds and smells


Today is the third post in the series of how we’re getting ready for our first baby and preparing our pet dog Baxter too. From crying to lotions to a blanket on the floor, the baby is going to bring (just a few) new things to our home!

We’ve been working to introduce as lots of new things as possible to Baxter before our delivery day. That way he has fewer changes to process when the greatest new thing—the baby itself—arrives.

To see all of the articles in this baby prep series, click here. If you have severe behaviour worries or special needs particularly when adding a baby to your family, our best recommendations is to work with a reputable, professional trainer.

Dogs and babies – Preparing your pet dog for new sights, sounds and smells

As DIYers, it seems like our house is always changing. Baxter has learned to adapt and isn’t perturbed when a pile of lumber shows up in the front hall, or the air compressor kicks in to run the nail gun, or the house smells like paint—again.

When our baby arrives, it will bring with it new sights, sounds and smells. Baxter’s easy-going attitude gives me confidence that he’ll adjust to these new additions fairly smoothly.

However, for some dogs, changes in their environment can cause anxiety. When expecting a baby, it is valuable to introduce new things gradually and in development to help lessen the amount of new things your pet dog encounters at once.

Dogs and babies – Preparing your pet dog for new sights

From a play yard in the living room to a bassinet in the bedroom to a bouncy chair on a blanket in the family room, we’ve set up as lots of of the baby’s things as possible.

We haven’t made a big deal for Baxter about any of the new additions. like when we’re DIYing, the new items have just appeared, and Baxter has investigated or not as he wants to (mostly not). We still play fetch in the living room, and Bax has learned to work around the play yard. like his attitude to everything else, it’s no big deal so far.

The other sight we’ve been getting him used to is Matt and me spending time in the nursery.

This is not a room we frequented a lot before, but that’s about to change. If Baxter seems interested in joining us in the nursery, we invite him in, making sure he seems comfortable and kicked back being in the room. We’ve also opened the pocket door that connects our bedroom to the nursery, so Baxter can keep an eye on us from his familiar spot on our bed.

Other sights: Hold a doll while sitting on the couch or in the chair where you’ll feed your baby. This will help your pet dog get used to your new routine and the sight of you holding something.

Preparing your pet dog for new sounds

Say the word baby and one of the first thoughts that pertains to mind is probably crying. So we’ve been practicing for baby’s arrival by playing recordings of crying babies. Our goal is that the sound is relatively familiar and common for Baxter before the real thing arrives.

Our trainer pointed out that for some dogs, a crying baby can sound like a wounded animal whining or crying. This can activate aggressive behaviour. She emphasized that these are normally extreme cases where the pet dog typically has other behaviour issues.

If you see any anxiety or aggression from your pet dog in reaction to baby sounds, work with your pet dog gradually to slowly build his comfort level. Calm petting, massage, treats or distance are all good techniques to help him adjust. seek advice from a professional trainer for any reactions that cause you severe concern.

Baxter’s normal reaction if there’s a sound he doesn’t like is to walk away and find a quieter spot in another part of the house. He stays calm, doesn’t appear anxious or bark in response. That is the exact action that I want.

Other sounds:

Babies typically bring visitors and visitors normally knock or ring the doorbell. If your pet dog gets frightened or ecstatic by these sounds, practice encouraging calm reactions before the baby is born. Also, consider posting a sign at your front door asking visitors to call when they arrive instead of knocking. See our post: how to keep your pet dog calm at the door.

Musical or noisy toys are absolutely another worry for some dogs, especially as the baby grows. as with anything new, try to introduce toys slowly. remember your dog’s ears are sensitive and try to give him a break from the noise every so often.

Dogs and babies – new smells!

Smell is a dog’s main way of interacting with the world. It is a really crucial way for him to get to know the baby. one of the most interesting things our trainer said is that Baxter is probably already smelling the baby—or at least smelling a different scent from me. That’s a pretty amazing introduction.

Beyond the baby itself, there are other new scents—powders, lotions, milk, not to mention diapers. While I’m absolutely not bringing dirty diapers into my house sooner than I have to, I can easily try out some of the lotions and creams in advance. That way Baxter begins to associate their scent with me and they become part of the normal smells of our house.

Other scents: lots of people recommend sending a blanket home from the hospital. That way, the pet dog can smell the baby on the blanket before meeting the baby itself. Both our trainer and some of the books I’ve read say that this is unnecessary. It may actually cause unwanted behaviour. Make the choice that is best for your family and your dog. I’ll be talking a lot more about our method for Baxter and baby’s first meet ‘n’ greet in an upcoming post.

Thinking in development about the sights, sounds and smells that come with a baby and helping Baxter to be comfortable around these are a major part of my overall goal of keeping everyone delighted and kicked back during this big change in our lives.

How does your pet dog react to changes in his environment?

What are your ideas for helping your pet dog adjust to new things at home?

Let us know in the comments.

Julia Thomson is a blogger at Home on 129 Acres where she writes about her adventures of country living and diy renovating. She and her spouse live on a 129-acre farm in Ontario, Canada.

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