How a Pet Grieves: understanding Your pet dog or Cat’s Loss


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When contemplating the responsibilities of being a pet owner, a lot of people normally think about the routine, day-to-day activities, such as feeding, bathing, exercising, and loving your pet dog or cat. though these things are important, there are times when family pets have additional needs, one of which is emotional care when your pet is experiencing grief. When a family member or another pet dies or leaves the household, it is crucial for a pet guardian to understand how their other pet[s] may be grieving, what signs to look for, and how to best support their grieving pet emotionally. There are actions you can take to help your pet recover and step on.

When a pet’s owner dies or leaves the home, especially if the pet and owner were together for lots of years, the pet may experience confusion at his or her owner’s absence, which can cause depression or despair once time passes and the owner has not returned. because animals can form strong bonds with other family pets in the household, they may also experience despair over the loss of another pet. Certainly, your pet’s experience of despair is different than what a human may experience. Our dogs and cats don’t cry, and because they live in the moment, don’t experience feelings of guilt or regret for “unfinished business” they may have had with the person who is no longer in their lives. family pets are sensitive to our moods and typically will respond to the sadness and changes in behavior of the remaining people in the household. If you are sad and anxious, your pet will pick this up and mirror your feelings.

Signs that your pet may be grieving include sudden destructive chewing or clawing, whimpering, lack of appetite, constant pacing as if he is searching for his lost companion or owner, and emotional outbursts, such as snapping or growling at people. Your pet may also have changes in sleep patterns. You may notice that your pet craves a lot more attention and reassurance from you, or loses interest in what were previously favorite activities.

Some things you can do to help ease your pet’s despair include spending extra time with your pet, frequently petting and talking to him reassuringly, supplying him with comfort items, such as favorite toys and blankets. For family pets that have lost their owner, consider supplying items that carry the scent of their owner such as an item of clothing or a pillowcase. It is crucial to try to keep your pet’s routine as much the same as possible, as the disruption in his regular routine may cause a lot more distress. If an “alpha” pet has left the household or died, allow your remaining family pets to establish their new pecking order, but step in if fights escalate.

The sudden loss of another pet or person that was previously an crucial part of your pet dog or cat’s life can be disorienting and upsetting to your pet. once you realize that your pet is grieving, you will be able to help your pet dog or cat during its grieving process with some extra TLC. If you have lost a pet, allow your remaining family pets to re-establish a normal routine before you adopt another pet.

Has your pet shown signs of grief? how did you help your own pet cope?

Pet Behavior

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